Shopifyにバナーを追加し、Shopify GDPR APIを使用する
私たちは、私たちのクッキーバナーと関連してShopify APIを使用するために、あなたのウェブサイトに追加するヘルパースクリプトを構築しました。
<!-- Begin CookieFirst Shopify GDPR Api --> <script> window.Shopify.loadFeatures( [ { name: "consent-tracking-api", version: "0.1", }, ], function (error) { if (error) { console.error(error); return; } function handleCFConsent(event) { var consent = event.detail; var required_categories = [ "performance", // if using Category based consent fill in any of the categories: performance, advertising or functional // if using Granular consent, add Zendesk in your scripts area. Use 'custom' code. And put the script identifier above. ]; var is_accepted = true; for (var i = 0; i < required_categories.length; i++) { var category = required_categories[i]; if (!consent || !consent[category]) { is_accepted = false; } } window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.setTrackingConsent(is_accepted, function() {}); }; window.addEventListener("cf_consent", handleCFConsent); window.addEventListener("cf_consent_loaded", handleCFConsent); // if you want to show the banner to all visitors, not only EU-visitors, change false to true var show_outside_eu = true; var show_banner = show_outside_eu || window.Shopify.customerPrivacy.shouldShowGDPRBanner(); if(show_banner) { var banner = document.createElement("script"); banner.setAttribute( "data-cookiefirst-key", "API KEY HERE" ); banner.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(banner); } } ); </script> <!-- End CookieFirst Shopify GDPR Api -->